In his paintings, this versatile artist mixes his African and Asian roots. The bright colours and urban style characterise his offbeat and striking works.

During this last month, from September 10 to October 10, many of you visited the exhibition JE ME SOUVIENS DES TEMPS FUTURS… by Gilbert Petit at the Teodora Galerie.

During the Nocturne Rive Droite, on Wednesday 16 September, Gilbert Petit shared with us an original performance.

His “allegories” literally hypnotized the participants. The curious spectators, after having drawn a die, admired the mastery of this exceptional artist who improvised a drawing in ten minutes, based on the numbers that came out. With each number corresponding to an animal, a landscape and an action, we witnessed some truly fantastic journeys. From a chameleon singing in a city to ghosts, to birds dancing in the starry night… there was something for every taste and personality!

Surprise guaranteed!
